
Here are some of our frequently asked questions we get at Bloom!. If your question still isn't answered after perusing the following, feel free to contact us. We'd love to hear from you!

What does the name "Bloom!" mean?
How can I receive the print magazine?
Is there a way to obtain past issues?
Why is Bloom! no longer a print magazine?
Is Bloom! now an online magazine?
Can I submit my articles, photography, etc. to Bloom!?
Can I share your articles on my blog/website?
Can I translate your articles and post them on my blog/website?
Does the Bloom! staff get paid?    

What does the name "Bloom!" mean? You can find the answer here.      

How can I receive the print magazine? While Bloom! is no longer in print, we can still be found here on the blog, where it's our deep desire and prayer to encourage, inspire, and support girls on their journey towards a gospel-centered, world-altering, Biblical womanhood!

 Is there a way to obtain past issues? We have all of our previous issues available online here.    

Why is Bloom! no longer a print magazine? In the autumn of 2009, we had to halt publication of our magazine, due to financial and time limits. Due to generous sponsors, Bloom! was in print for two years and free of charge. The Lord blessed our efforts and multiplied our subscription base very rapidly. So when we had to stop publication, we knew the Lord was leading us to keep "encouraging girls on their journey towards Biblical womanhood", so that's why we're still on the blog.    

Is Bloom! now an online magazine? Well, actually here at Bloom! we publish magazine-like articles several times a week on the blog.

Can I submit my articles, photography, etc. to Bloom!? Yes, we'd love to have you submit some of your work for Bloom!. Simply contact us here!

Can I share your articles on my blog/website? You sure can, as long as it's not for commercial purposes and you don't alter it in anyway (see here for details). If you just want to post it on your blog/website, then you simply need to adhere to the following:

~ give credit to the original author, using the full name (if you can't find it, please contact us)
~ comment on the particular article and let us know you shared it
~ include a link to Bloom! (http://www.bloomthemagazine.com/)    

Can I translate your articles and post them on my blog/website? If you're fluent in English and another language and would like to translate some of Bloom!'s articles, please adhere to the following:

~ give credit to the original author, using the full name (if you can't find it, please contact us)
~ comment on the particular post you translated and let us know
~ include a link to Bloom! (http://www.bloomthemagazine.com/)
~ for an example, please click here for Francine Veríssimo's Portuguese translation of one of our articles    

Does the Bloom! staff get paid? No, we don't get paid. We're all volunteers - eager to share Jesus and what He's doing in our life. Bloom! is a ministry to do just that and we're blessed to be a part of it.

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