
Showing posts from May, 2016

Friday Footprints

15 Ways to Start Your Day Well We recently found this article by author and speaker Crystal Paine to be really good, encouraging and practical.  In it Crystal shares 15 ways she's found that help her start her day well.  We don't wanna spoil it for you, so check it out here! 27 Books Christian Teens Should Read (And Grownups Should Too) Brett Harris, co-founder of The Rebelution, shares 27 books that he thinks every Christian teen and adult should read.  Head over here to see what they are and then hurry on over to the library to start some good, worthwhile reads! May God give you His joy to share with others this weekend! Joanna, Megan, Krista, Emily & Victoria

Tales from Taiwan #15

Dear sisters, Some days life here in Taiwan can be kinda normal, kinda mundane.  At least it feels like it to me!  I teach, I eat, I sleep - then I do it all again the next day.  God is teaching me to be faithful in the every day kind of things.  Recently I've been going through a book called Experiencing God .  I've done it before but felt like it would be really beneficial and encouraging to do it again.  I've been reading about how God speaks to us and delights to work through us to be His hands and feet, whether in big ways or small ways.  It also shares how it's important to pray for God to give us opportunities to serve - and then actually be alert for when those opportunities appear. Like last Saturday when my friend and I were biking home.  We came to a stoplight and noticed a lady on her moped across the street who seemed to be doubling over in pain.  Her shoe was in the middle of the road.  We fel...

Book Review: Simplify

I'm an avid reader and even worked in my local library for awhile but I haven't picked up a book since May 2015.  Almost a year later I'm finally getting back into the bookworld.  I really missed reading but every time I tried, I would get lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous, my vision would blur and I'd get intense migraines that could last for a long time.  Yeah, I wrote When Pain Doesn't Fly Away four years ago and I'm still struggling with some of the same things.  It's still a journey and one that I'm so grateful God is carrying me through. So when a friend recommended Simplify by Bill Hybels, I hesitantly started reading (I say hesisitantly because I was scared that my migraines and all that would commence as I started reading - but thankfully, they didn't!).  I found Bill's writing engaging and his ideas clear and practical.  I really appreciated his authenticity and Biblical viewpoint.  This is a treasure of a book, in my opinion! This...

Summer Opportunities

Does summer always seem to fly by for you?  It's hard to believe that it's already May and school will be letting out soon.   For me, summertime always seems to speed by and the next thing I know, autumn is around the corner.   So this summer, I want to encourage you to take advantage of the extra  free time that often comes along with the season.  While it's wonderful to be able to do things you enjoy like swimming, painting, or reading, don't let your activities rule your summer.  Take some time to share God's love in a powerful way by serving others.  You have the time, so get involved!  The following is a list of opportunities to consider:   ~ get involved in Vacation Bible School ~ help out in your local church ~ go on a mission trip ~ visit the elderly in a nursing home ~ help family and friends - clean the house, babysit, prepare a picnic ~ do random acts of kindness Why not pick one or two (or ...