Bloom! Music Picks

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We thought it'd be fun to share some of our favorite songs lately and how God is using them in our lives!  Maybe you'll discover a new favorite or two as well!

Cornerstone by Hillsong - I love hymns because I love how the Bible passages find their way into the melody and this song is currently on my mind for the beautiful mixing of old (hymn) and new (rifts and all). I love the simplicity and depth of its lyrics, that Christ is our Cornerstone.

Forgiveness by Matthew West - Forgiveness is a thing that I've been given freely by Jesus but I do admit, it can be hard to give to someone else. This song is a good reminder of how important it is to a Christ-perspective on things and other people because seeing people through His eyes of grace really does change our response.

Hide Away in the Love of Jesus by Sovereign Grace - This is a beautiful song that refreshes spirit and encourages me to continually hide myself in Jesus.

Ten Thousand Reasons by Matt Redman - A friend of mine grinned when she saw that Ten Thousand Reasons was playing in my room. She told me, "You're always listening to this one!"  So true!  I love it because it reminds me to praise the Lord at all times!

Long Way Home by Steven Curtis Chapman - This is such a sweet and uplifting song that helps me by reminding that even when life seems confusing or things go wrong, God is still there.

Nearer My God to Thee by the Piano Guys - I love this arrangement because it's such a beautiful and fresh spin on a popular hymn.

I Will Praise You by Rebecca St. James - I discovered this when it came out a few years ago, and have loved it ever since. It always shifts my perspective away from myself and back to God: that He is worth praising even when it costs.

Good Morning by Mandisa - I just found this song, although I'm sure it's been out for quite awhile. Nevertheless, it's a great way to start my day as I turn up the radio and head to work, reminding myself that God has good plans, blessings are in store and the day truly is a gift. Plus, it just has a fun and pump-up sound.

Both of my song picks were played during my graduation slideshow. I had open heart surgery the day after I was born. It is truly a miracle that I am here today. I attribute my life and lack of further complications to the faith of so many that prayed for me.

That's What Faith Can Do by Kutless - This song reminds me of my difficult start in life and that there will be more difficult times, but that through my faith in, God will lift me up again.

Live Like That by The Sidewalk Prophets - In a way, this song is my "life song".  I truly want to "live like that". This song reminds me why I'm here - to make an impact.

Do you have any favorite songs to add?


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