Friday Footprints
A snippet of where we've been around the web recently... FAQ on Syria - The war and refugee crisis in Syria is still happening, even though it's been a bit overshadowed in the news lately. If you need to be caught up or want more information, this handy guide from World Vision explains the impact on refugees and what they are doing to help. If you are so moved, you can also donate to their efforts here. What about Bob? - Bob Goff's perspective on whimsy and Christianity is a favorite of ours here at Bloom! Several of us have read and loved his bestselling book Love Does and highly recommend it. But what if you aren't, you know, a hyper creative lawyer who can wrangle with the Ugandan law for justice? Donald Miller's article on Relevant Magazine showcases some ways we can live out the vibrant and engaging love of God wherever we are. Smart Money, Smart Lady - "Managing finances is about more than just writing checks - it's about def