Where I'm At: Krista

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Well, hello Bloom! readers! I am writing from sunny California and I've realized that Bay Area weather turned extra misty and foggy today. It’s starting to look and feel like fall and it’s a season that’s filled with holidays, yummy food (hello, mints and pumpkin spice things) and changing colors. I am unbelievably excited! It’s been a long Friday.

To start off this post, I’d like to share one new thing in my life lately. I started a new job at a new preschool after I graduated from community college last May. I work at a Christian preschool with three year old students and they are an adorable bunch. It is a joy to walk in every day and see my students' faces peering through the door to say their hellos. God is definitely showing me a lot of things about a child’s heart and how He does draw in little kids as well. Also, He is giving me the grace and the wisdom to navigate other situations in preschool that one cannot find in a textbook or formula. It is a blessing to be able to work in an environment where I can pray with coworkers and where a biblical perspective is used.

I am definitely grateful to be placed in this season. The bay area is a big melting pot and one of the good things about that is that you get to meet different people from different cultures. One of the harder parts of that diversity is that Christianity is viewed as simply another idea to be “embraced” but not accepted in a degree that causes a heart change. However, it is a good reminder that it is a world condition and not simply limited to a zip code or country; the gospel needs to be preached everywhere and to anyone who is willing to listen.

To prepare for teaching these precious ones, I am going through a book called “Praying the Scriptures for Your Children” with my coworkers and it is great! While it is written specifically for parents/teachers, I think it provides biblical lessons of how to build great, healthy relationships with others, regardless of their age. Also, I studied “Creative Counterpart” by Linda Dillow and I am now going through, “Give Them Grace” by Elyse Fitzpatrick for my DTP program with some ladies in our church. It’s humbling when you see that the more you know, the more you realize that you don’t know. I am thankful for the many strong Christian men and women that God places in my life and I pray to constantly be learning and being conformed more to His image.

 I’ve also been focusing a lot on making handmade jewelry and accessories for my online store. It started out as a hobby for me but I pray and hope that I can use it to make some extra money on the side as well as glorify the Lord. Also, I am learning how to quilt and I’ve finished a toddler sized quilt for one of my godchildren. I am working on my mom’s queen sized quilt (*groans*) and also 2 baby quilts for two babies coming soon! My sewing machine was a little shaken up from my recent car accident, but God has provided and I am thankful that only the bobbin winder was affected by the car crash. God also protected me and kept me at peace at that time.

One of the many passages that have been constantly in my mind is in 2 Timothy 2: “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.” It is a good reminder that Christ gives us the grace as we run this race in this life, and let us pray that we give off a pleasing offering to Him, for His glory.


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