Bloom! Giveaway


The what:  It's time for another giveaway!  This time we're switching things up a bit and giving away a package of blessings.  This package will include a copy of Josh McDowell's famous book, More Than a Carpenter, (which is a great witnessing tool, by the way!), a beautiful notebook with Romans 1:16 on the front, two hand-crocheted hair barrettes (perfect for your little sister or friend!  Or you!), and a few other surprises.

The how:  There's several ways to gain entries (if you want to, you can do all three and gain three chances to win!):

1)  "Like" us on facebook and let us know you did so in your comment below

2)  Subscribe to the webzine (see one of the buttons on the sidebar) and tell us in your comment

3)  Comment and let us know one way God blessed you this week

Please be sure to include your first name and last initial, so we can identify you!

The who: As much as we'd love to bless one of our many international readers, due to postage costs, this giveaway in open to US residents only.

The when: Make sure to get your entries in no later than midnight Eastern Standard Time, August 17th.  The winner will be randomly drawn and announced in our August 21st post.

The why:  We have an exciting announcement: Bloom! is now on facebook! Okay, we've been on facebook for a little while, but have never managed to be as active on it as we've wanted. But all that is changing. 

Why are we now active and excited about facebook? Because we believe that it's another way to interact with you, and create conversation on a more daily basis. We'll be sharing encouraging (and some Facebook-exclusive!) content there - links to new articles, songs, and fun things we've found, as well as our own Bloom! content - and we'd love it if you would join us, jump into the discussion, and share your favorite things as well. 

Our dream for Bloom! as a whole is that it would be a safe space and community for young women to come together and talk about the things that really matter. Things going on in our lives, tough questions, things we're learning as we pursue Christ. We pray it would be a community that encourages, supports, and challenges you in your pursuit of Biblical womanhood. The webzine won't change at all, but social media is just one more platform for us to gather in this cozy online apartment. Don't miss the fun - enter our giveaway, "like" us, and come join us over on facebook!


  1. Hey girls! I'm in Australia - so this isn't technically an entry. But I'm really excited you are on Facebook now, and I'm looking forward to connecting with you on there! :D So, I liked you.
    And I'll never pass up an opportunity to share something God has been doing in my life... This week, I've been sick. But it has been productive and peaceful to rest and recuperate and puddle around the house getting things done - that I wouldn't normally do if I was well! It was a blessing in disguise and I am thankful for His wisdom and healing.
    xx Rachael

  2. I have liked you on Facebook and follow you on Blogger. This week God blessed me by reminding me of His great grace when reading Ephesians 2. Thanks for the opportunity of a giveaway!

  3. Yae I love giveaways.:) I have liked you on facebook and have subscribed to your webzine. And this week God has blessed me with reminding me that he has a plan for my life and that He will never leave me. Thanks so much for what you do.

  4. I liked the Facebook page, and I am also following you on Blogger. God blessed me this week by really allowing me to realize the amazing reality that we can call God our Father, Abba, Daddy..thank you!

  5. This past week, God showed me His love in new and amazing ways. He blessed me a TON through my friends and gave me little gifts of love- a Starbucks drink, not once, not twice but three times. (Understand, I typically don't drink Starbucks at all, let alone multiple times throughout the week ;) It was a small thing, but something that really touched my heart because of the thoughtfulness of the friends that brought it for me and the way that even a small thing like that, can often be a tangible whisper of His incredible love for me.

  6. I have liked you on Facebook. And God has really been blessing me lately with the gift of friends. I'm so blessed by the love God has been showering me with through my friends :)

  7. I have been blessed this week by having the opportunity to lead a small group on the topic of purity!

  8. I have just started reading your blog and I am blessed to say I have recently gotten saved.. Through an advance in the lord and reading the Rebulution I have found peace in my savior. I enjoy reading this perspective of godly women. Thank You


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