Summer is for Reading

In honor of the long, sunny days and your requests for more book recommendations, we thought that today instead of conversations we'd suggest a few to add to your list!

1. Craving Grace, by Lisa Velthouse

A memoir of one girl's search to find God and love Him more deeply - and find her delight and life's sweetness in him.

2. One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp

Can giving thanks for little things really change our lives? Our faith? Yes. It can. This is a beautiful little book. The writing is a bit cluttered sometimes, but it's a very readable and enjoyable book.

3. A Gospel Primer for Christians, by Milton Vincent

This Gospel primer is exactly what the title says - a little book overflowing with Scriptural gems on how to live the Gospel each day.  A definite must-read!

4. Hearts of Fire, by Voice of the Martyrs

Travel along with eight women as they risk their lives for Jesus.  Filled to the brim with passion and authenticity, this book will inspire you to also live with a heart of fire for your Savior!

Happy reading!


  1. Cool book suggestions! I'm hoping to find time to read The Cross and The Switchblade, and Ben Hur this summer.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions! I know this is an old post but I just started reading your blog when it was mentioned in the book Do Hard Things.


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