Quotations: What if Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops?

Rather than posting a quote this week, we thought this beautiful song corresponded well with yesterday's topic and wanted to share!

Song: "Blessings" by Laura Story (click here if the video doesn't load)


  1. What a powerful way to make people stop and think about how God can use even the worst things in their lives for good! "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. . ." (Romans 8:28)

  2. Thank you for sharing this song. I'd never even heard of Laury Story but this song is tear-jerkingly real.(Yes, I just turned "tear-jerker" into an adverb!)

  3. I absolutely love this song. I've listened to it so many times since it came out. Such encouragement!!

  4. New follower here! I love your blog! :D

  5. I just heard that song on the radio the other day and it touched me greatly. We certainly gain new perspective when we trust that God can use those very things that break us to draw us much closer to Him. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Very beautiful! Thanks for sharing


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