Conversations: Edition Twenty Three


Continuing our weekly conversations...

The deal: Each Thursday, we announce a question of the week. We seek to ask questions that spark interesting conversations, whether it simply be about books, traditions, spiritual disciplines, more theological matters, or anything related to life in general. You can join our conversations two ways:

1. Leave a comment with your thoughts!

2. Or, if you prefer, post an answer to your own blog and leave us a link to your post so we can comment and add to the conversation. If you post on your own blog, you are welcome to use the picture above as long as you link back to us somewhere in your post.

This week's question...

With Resurrection Sunday just around the corner, what Jesus-centered activities will be going on at your house?


  1. Chez moi, pas grand chose… mais il y avait une conférence religieuse le Vendredi Saint! :)

  2. We always celebrate a Christian passover. It's always a special time to reflect, have fun, and enjoy what God has done for us.


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