Song of Joy

Today a dear friend of mine, Marie, has allowed us to share this lovely poem she wrote last month.
May the Lord use it to brighten your day and encourage you in Him!

Song of Joy

by Marie Lemelin

Inwardly, my soul is free,
And as your love flows outwardly--
Onward I march to victory,
And upwards to glory!

Victory! Sweet victory!
Amazing love that ransomed me!
Soon, dear Lord,
Thy face I'll see,
As I press on to glory!

Joyously, upwards I fly,
One day I'll meet You in the sky!
And we shall live in Heaven on high,
Lord, I'll praise You forever in the sweet by and by!

Victory! Sweet victory!
Amazing love that ransomed me!
Soon, dear Lord, Thy face I'll see,
As I press on to glory!


  1. Thank you, Marie, for sharing. This has uplifted me!

  2. How did you make you Bloom title like that? Big, and with the brown Decor on the B?


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