Friday Footprints

Happy New Year, girls! We've got some fun things planned for Bloom! in 2011. But in the meantime, here's a trace of where we've been on the web this week - and some fun New Year's links for you to check out.
Tsh Oxenreider has a fun article up on (in)courage with 20 questions for a New Year's Eve reflection. It's worth reading!
Lisa Whittle tackles the guilt of New Year's Resolutions over at She Seeks: "We can’t lose all the weight we want to, in one day. Neither can we solve all of our longtime financial problems or suddenly make the whole world become more peaceful. But what we can do is manage the things right in front of us, responsibly — taking a step towards contentment by accomplishing our small, reachable goals."
And finally, Ali Edwards writes about One Little Word 2011 - picking one word to define and shape your upcoming year. Megan and Joanna have done this the last few years, and loved it. (And they're both still trying to figure out their word for 2011!) Ali's word is light. Other bloggers have picked words such as here, listening, nurture, worship. What will yours be?
till next time,
Jessina, Joanna & Megan


  1. "Happy New Year, girls!"
    ... and a guy!

  2. I love the idea of picking a word for the year! Mine:

    1. generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness
    2. high-minded; noble
    3. proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character, etc.

  3. I like that word Laura! :)
    I'll have to think of one


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