Friday Footprints


A trace of where we've been on the web this week...

With Christmas just around the corner, it can be easy to let yourself be swept away in the shopping, parties, and all the material things involved. But as believers, we need to remember to focus on what Christmas is really all about. Sure, gifts are great, but this holiday is all about the Best Gift Ever, Jesus. When Jesus is your reason for Christmas, it's all about Him. And World Vision's Christmas catalog allows you to truly share Him with others by giving Bibles, loving care for an orphan, a well for a village, and much more. So head on over and find a present that shares Jesus in a practical and life-changing way!

The other day, two different friends sent me this video. I'm the not kind of person who watches every single video sent her way, but this one was definitely worth the few minutes. Shoppers in one Canadian mall got a a special Christmas shock while eating lunch...enjoy!

Joyful in Him,
Joanna, Megan, & Jessina


  1. My family did that this year. Mom and dad had a bunch of extra tithe money and they gave each of us kids a hundred. It was a TON of fun!

  2. Greetings,
    I heard about your magazine through 'Do Hard Things'.
    I was expecting it to be aimed more at teenagers.
    The design template does not convey that age group. It looks crisp, adult,wordy and a little boring. Certainly not fun and youthful.
    What is your target audience and demographic?
    I thought you might be interested to know my first impressions.
    I have followed the magazine and am interested to read the content.


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