Conversations | Edition Seven

Continuing our weekly conversations . . .
The deal: Each Thursday, we announce a question of the week. We seek to ask questions that spark interesting conversations, whether it simply be about books, traditions, spiritual disciplines, more theological matters, or anything related to life in general. You can join in our conversations two ways:
1. Leave a comment with your thoughts!
2. Or, if you prefer, post an answer on your own blog and leave us a link to your post so we can comment and add to the conversation. If you post on your own blog, you are welcome to use the picture above as long as you link back to us somewhere in your post.
This week's question...
We would love to know and benefit from the things you've been learning! Is there anything God's been teaching you lately that you'd like to share?


  1. God has been teaching me to trust Him. Even when I don't know what I should do.
    This year I had the feeling that God was preparing me for something, but I didn't know what it was. I felt like I was stuck with nothing to do. I was just waiting. I was also feeling a little lonely. But God was there.
    I continued to work and walk. Then God revealed His plan. I'm going to be teaching at a homeschool co-op and I'm blogging and writing for a blog. I also have several writing and craft projects that I am working on.
    And above all this God has been showing me more of Himself and His love for me. That is the best thing of all.
    It's amazing to me how God provides when we wait on His timing. I couldn't have imagined all that He would do. Yet things are coming together wonderfully.

  2. He's been teaching me that in my weakness He is strong, and showing me that even being weak takes strength. I've been asking myself lately: Am I strong enough to be weak? It's been a difficult question to answer, so I've just been studying 2 Cor. 12:7-10 a lot, learning more about what God says about this.
    Also learning to trust Jesus, and know He's in total control and I don't need to worry. What a relief!

  3. Oh, wow, this has been such an amazing summer God has had for me! He has been teaching me how to truly live for Him, to model my life around Him. He has also been teaching me to trust Him, at the beginning of the summer I applied to many jobs and God taught me to wait for His timing because in His perfect time He gave me the right job. I read Eric and Leslie's book "When Dreams come True" and I have been loving the idea of God writing a story for me, not just a love story, but a life story. He has a perfect plan for me and it's a joy to be in it because it is perfect even when life is hard. So, overall, He has been teaching me to follow Him and His will for me. Which is awesome because I have wanted this before, but it has never been as real and true as now. :)

  4. graciemobile@gmail.comAugust 14, 2010 at 12:40 PM

    He has been teaching me not to complain. This summer is one of the hottest I have yet known in the Midwest, and our air conditioner has been out through it all. He has taught me that I can be patient, that I can put up with more than I thought I could, and given me compassion for those who are less fortunate than I am.

  5. God is truly beautiful...and never ceases to amaze me! He is showing me new things everyday, and I seriously get goosebumps when reading His Word! Lately, it's been about turning my heart towards Him...and abiding in His promises and love. I want to glorify Christ in every single action, thought, word, and attitude...and show His love and light to others. He is showing me how to pursue Him in everything that I do, and it is just so exciting!!

  6. The Lord has been teaching me soooo much! Ever since I decided to read a portion of His Word every day (a chapter from an Old Testament book, a Psalm/Proverb and a chapter from a New Testament book), He's been helping me to understand a lot about what grace and law are, and also their relationship to each other. He's shown me that we are saved through His amazing grace, but that we then show our thankfulness through obeying His commands. They're not oppressive; they're designed to bless us and those around us.

    He's also been showing me how to worship Him all day through song! When I'm home alone, I sing praise songs at the top of my voice while I do chores or homework. While I'm on the bus to university each day, I listen to praise songs on my iPod.

    And the final thing is thankfulness. I try to thank God for each thing He gives me each day. I wake up thanking Him for a good night's sleep, a comfy bed, and lovely weather. I go to bed that night thanking Him for being with me that day and for each person I spoke to.

    God bless.


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