Stand on Your Head, Because the World is Upside Down

Today we share part two of Megan's series that she's compiled from a speech her father gave. If you haven't already, make sure to read the introduction and part one:
Part I: Think Small, Because Small Changes the World
Part II: Stand on Your Head, Because the World is Upside Down
It’s no surprise – but the world you’re entering (or in) is fueled by money. Sex. Power. Fame.
And if you take the world at face-value, you too will find yourself motivated by these things. But before you take the world at face-value, I want you to ask some hard questions:
If it’s really all about fame and sex, why do rock stars feel the need to shoot heroin?
If it’s really all about power, why do the powerful feel the need to seek out satisfaction in secret affairs?
And if it’s really all about money, why are those who are worth $100 million so unhappy that they risk jail time to concoct elaborate ponzi schemes just so they can have $200 million?
Maybe it's because the world lies, the world is broken, the world is upside-down.
The God who made the world says, “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight.” (Jeremiah 9:23-25)
What if…the world is wrong? What if the way to happiness and success and satisfaction is not actually found in money, sex, fame, or power, or anything else that most people desperately pursue?
Ask the hard questions. Don’t take the world at face value. And when you don’t get it, remember to stand on your head – because the world is upside-down.
Check back next Monday for Part III: Swim Upstream, But Stay in the Stream.



  1. "I was told when I was young
    that anyone could change the world
    It wouldn't come by power or strength
    but through the ones who choose to love."

    ~ Love is Marching, by BarlowGirl ~

  2. The comment box for the DWYL book review is missing! :(

  3. I love reading these! Although it makes me sad that part III wasn't posted this week =(

  4. Thanks for letting us know! We just fixed it. :)


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