Book Review: Don't Waste Your Life
- Continuing our Wednesday Book Discussions, today we are reviewing Don't Waste Your Life, by John Piper . "I will tell you what a tragedy is," writes John Piper. "I will show you how to waste your life. Consider this story from the February 1998 Reader's Digest : A couple 'took early retirement from their jobs in the Northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Punta Gorda , Florida, where they cruise on their 30-foot trawler, play softball and collect shells...' Picture them before Christ at the great day of judgment: 'Look, Lord. See my shells.' That is a tragedy." I pray to God that we will never stand before Him, forced to account for our lives, and realize we've squandered them. Like Piper, I cannot imagine anything more awful or tragic. But if we do not want to waste our lives, what does it look like to live them well, and successfully - not by the world's terms, but by our Creator's? Wh...