Conversations | Edition Four


The deal: Each Thursday, we announce a question of the week. We seek to ask questions that spark interesting conversations, whether it simply be about books, traditions, spiritual disciplines, more theological matters, or anything related to life in general. You can join in our conversations two ways:
1. Leave a comment with your thoughts!
2. Or, if you prefer, post an answer on your own blog and leave us a link to your post so we can comment and add to the conversation. If you post on your own blog, you are welcome to use the picture above as long as you link back to us somewhere in your post.
This week's question . . . a lighter question for the start of the summer . . .
Do you have any special plans for the summer? And if you'd like, please feel free to share one prayer request you might have regarding your summer plans so that we can all lift one another up in prayer.


  1. I'm actually in the Middle East for the whole summer. It's been amazing so far. It has been hard missing my family, and I'd love it if you could pray for that. Thank you!

  2. The first thing I have planned during the summer is volunteering at our churhc's VBS which is always alot of fun! (Anybody else doing this?) I also have quite a number of babysitting jobs lined up (yes, I love working with kids!) and I'm attending a nursing camp hosted by our local hospital for middle/high school nurse wanna-be's. I'm also looking forward to swimming in our community pool and visiting some family (including my aunt, uncle and cousin who normally live in China so I haven't seen them for a number of years!) I'm lovin' it!

  3. I'm going on a missions trip to Denver with my youth group in about a month. I'm excited, but I would appreciate prayer for courage! Me and my family might also be going on a nice, long vacation in August.

  4. I am looking for a summer job. I have applied to about 16 places, but not many people are hiring. I just had my first interview today and it looks like I might get the job! If you could pray for me as I search for a job (and might get this one)and that I would follow God's will. Also, that I would learn how to do the new job skills and that I would honor God in everything. Thank you so much!

  5. Katie, I will certainly pray for you! I actually lived in Turkey for 9 years of my life, so I can guess what you are feeling. God Bless!

  6. My sister and I are planning to work with a friend of ours to arrange gospel songs fiddle style. I'm classically trained so it will be a bit of a stretch to get beyond Bach this summer. I'd appreciate your prayers.

  7. Everyone: I prayed for each of your specific requests. May the Lord bless you as you seek to serve and glorify Him!

    The Lord has provided the opportunity for me to spend July to September in Panama! While there, I'll be living in villages, sharing the Gospel. I'd sure appreciate your prayers for safety, good health, and especially that many would come to know our dear Lord.

  8. I am serving with CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) in my area! This is my second summer and I LOVE it!!! I also might be babysitting.

  9. This summer my family is moving, welcoming a new baby into our family, and looking forward to some family from out of state visiting. I also have to finish my junior year over the next few months. I may be babysitting for others besides my parents (depending on whether or not they need it). It would be great if you could pray for the move, new baby, and my finishing my homework in a timely manner. I will keep you girls in my prayers as well. :)


  10. I just helped with VBS at my church this past week and I loved it! This summer I hope I can get a job somewhere to help pay for a trip to the lake with my youth group. Pray that I can get some ideas to raise the money (I'm not old enough to get a regular job) and that I will be able to raise it all in time! Thanks

  11. I got the job! I love it! Though it is challanging because I have to learn many of the different parts of the store. Thanks for praying! You can keep praying for wisdom as I work and for the right relationships to form and for God to be glorified in everything. Thanks!

  12. Awesom Katelyn! I will definately pray!


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