The Traveler's Prayer
- - Perhaps this is just me, but I often find that when I go on vacation, I somehow inwardly convince myself that my spiritual life can take a vacation as well. But right before my family left home for a two-week trip this past month, I happened upon the "Prayer for Travelers" in the back of The Book of Common Prayer . I quickly scribbled it down on an index card and stuck it inside my journal--literally as we rushed out the door to go to the airport. - I am so grateful I did, for it not only shaped my prayers as we traveled, but it also gave me rich words to consider and dwell upon throughout the trip. These are the words: "O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve us as we travel; surround us with your loving care; protect us from every danger; and bring us in safety to our journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." - As I prayed it over and over, I rather accidenta...