Conversations | Edition Two

Continuing our new weekly conversations . . .
The deal: Each Thursday, we announce a question of the week. We seek to ask questions that spark interesting conversations, whether it simply be about books, traditions, spiritual disciplines, or more theological matters. You can join in our conversations two ways:
1. Leave a comment with your thoughts!
2. Or, if you prefer, post an answer on your own blog and leave us a link to your post so we can comment and add to the conversation. If you post on your own blog, you are welcome to use the picture above as long as you link back to us somewhere in your post.
This week's question . . . the other half of last week's question . . .
What is your favorite non-fiction book?
And be sure to check out the comments from last week's conversation -- lots of wonderful fictional book recommendations!


  1. Probably "Do Hard Things", of course I haven't read "Start Here" yet :) :) :).

  2. I would say the Bible. If it counts of course. The Bible will help you more than any other book in the world. And you can trust what it says. If the Bible doesn't count I would say Do Hard Things. It helps you of course do hard things. It really gets me ready to serve the Lord in full blast! I can't wait to get the second book Where to start. I am sure it will be just as good if not better than the first book.

  3. Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. It is amazing.

  4. Hmmm... that's a tough question! Most of my favourite books are non-fiction...

    I can't go past "Chasing the Dragon" by Jackie Pullinger. It's the story of her ministry to drug addicts and prostitutes in Hong Kong, it's simply incredible! I highly recommend it to anyone!

  5. Hmmmm, this question is just as hard! One book that immediately comes to kind, though, is Set-Apart Femininity by Leslie Ludy. I would recommend this book to all my friends!

    I don't know if this counts or not, but I have just started Don't Waste Your Life, by John Piper. Even though I'm still in the beginning, it has challeneged me very much! It's one of those books that you could read over and over!

    Oh yeah...and don't forget Do Hard Things!!! =)

  6. Another hard question...hmm... Just to name a few:
    - Don't Waste Your Life
    - Do Hard Things
    - Humility: True Greatness
    - Why Pro-Life?
    - Passion and Purity
    - William Carey
    - Holiness
    - Feminine Appeal

  7. "Do Hard Things" and it's companion "Start Here" by Alex and Brett Harris.

    On the more spiritual side of things, I would have to say "Loving God" by Chuck Colson.

  8. There are so many:)
    I really like Crazy Love by Francis Chan, althought I haven't finished it yet. Do Hard Things is also good, and all the books that I have read from their brother Joshua are good too. But my fave would be You're Next by Greg Stier. He incorporates real-life stories with great Biblical principles, he is really good at putting theology is simple terms, it's a great read!

    Paper Bird

  9. Oh yeah, "Don't Waste Your Life" is such a good book! I haven't finished it yet, but it's definitely thought provoking.

  10. my favorite would have to be Do Hard Things I cant wait to read Start Here! I also like "A Young Women After God's Own Heart"

  11. "Crazy Love"
    "Forgotten God"
    I'm working on "Paper Doll"
    "Jesus Freaks" 1 & 2
    "Shine" (by the Newsboys)

    not totally in that order though...

  12. Lady Jane Grey: Nine Day Queen of England by Faith Cook.

    Truly one of the best books I have ever read. Gives a great insight into a not much talked about episode in our history. What is more, it is about a wonderfully Godly young woman.

  13. My faves are 'Do Hard Things' and Idol Girls' (in that order). :D

    I also answered on my blog. I hope to do this every week!

  14. I really want to check out Idol Girls', is it good?

    Paper Bird

  15. Perhaps not my absolute favorite, but one of them is "Before You Meet Price Charming" by Sarah Mally. It is a really wonderful book, and it challenged me to live a pure, Christ-serving life. I also loved "Do Hard Things", but so many people have already mentioned that, that I didn't want to put it first. :)

  16. Paper Bird,

    It is a very good book! I read it in a few hours because I was so drawn to learning how obsessions are actually my idols. I was totally convicted AND encouraged by it. I recommend to all Christian girls. :)


  17. *Jo* -- I love that biography of Lady Jane Grey. I also really enjoyed another biography of her entitled "Coronation of Glory" by Deborah Meroff. It's a bit more of historical fiction than straight biography as the author fills in some of the missing pieces of Jane's story, but it's still a really wonderful book! Though, I think it might be out of print now . . .

    And thanks to everyone for sharing!


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