Conversations | Edition Three

Continuing our new weekly conversations . . .
The deal: Each Thursday, we announce a question of the week. We seek to ask questions that spark interesting conversations, whether it simply be about books, traditions, spiritual disciplines, more theological matters, or anything else. You can join in our conversations two ways:
1. Leave a comment with your thoughts!
2. Or, if you prefer, post an answer on your own blog and leave us a link to your post so we can comment and add to the conversation. If you post on your own blog, you are welcome to use the picture above as long as you link back to us somewhere in your post.
This week's question . . .
Madeline L'Engle writes, "Unless we are creators we are not fully alive." Do you agree or disagree? How do you implement creativity into your daily life?


  1. After much thought, I think I agree, because what she is saying that we cannot live life without creating something! Whether it be creating a dinner, creating a letter, creating a poster, creating a picture in the sand, or anything really.

  2. Of course people can be alive without being creators of something. In reality we can create nothing unless we are first given the materials and inspiration from God. But if He has given us the gift of creativity in some aspect, we should use it to the best of our ability for His glory.

  3. This is something I struggle with, because I wouldn't call myself a "creative" person... but I do certainly feel "alive" after actually making an effort and creating something - either a short song or dinner :)
    I think it's because, as Sarah pointed out, God is The Creator, so when we create something, it's like an automatic link to Him...

  4. I think I would agree with her statement because creating brings something special to my daily life. When I do "creative" things I definitely feel more alive. In fact it surprises me that I enjoy it so much. I do not consider myself a creative person, so I like to stick to simpler things (like making cards, something special for supper, arranging a hymn).

    To implement creativity into my daily life I try to schedule time for it. When I try to be creative, I usually do it to encourage/bless other people, so for the past few months I have been making time to do it and it has been a real blessing to myself as well as those around me.

  5. I do think her statement has a lot of truth, though I'm not sure I fully agree with it. On one hand, I think to be fully alive all we need is Christ. Ofcourse, I think Maggie, Sarah, and Larissa are right, I think God gave many if not most people the desire to creat as He creats. Infact I love being creative! (not that I'm good at it) ;)

  6. I think being creative is cool! as to the point about us not living....I don't know if she ment "living" as in actually living and breathing, or "living" as in having a point to your life. If she ment Living as in breathing.....In the Bible it says several times that we are alive in only the people who don't know Christ are really not living.
    I love being creative! I make things all the time!
    God bless!

  7. I actually love being creative. :) I find it fun to be who i am. And i am a creative type. And yes, I would agree with Meggie. We should do everything for the glory of God.

  8. I totally agree with Katelyn, being "fully alive" regarding being alive in Christ. But, despite this, this quote does really makes a great point about the importance of creating. I think being creative is so important because it brings glory to God (since He is the ultimate Creator.)
    I enjoy being creative through finding new recipes, writing letters to my grandparents and cousins, crocheting, or thinking up new ways to play songs on the piano or my violin. I don't think a day goes by that I'm not creating something. It would be so hard to imagine life without creating anything!

  9. Thank you for the thought-provoking question. I partly agree and partly disagree. My comments became too lengthy to post here so I put them on my own blog Please visit me there and add your comments.

  10. I shared this and put my response at



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